Air Ambulance Week takes off

Monday 9 September marks the start of Air Ambulance Week.

Coming together with 21 other Air Ambulance charities across the UK, this is the only week of the year dedicated to raising awareness and vital funds for our life-saving work.

Air Ambulance charities are collectively dispatched to more than 45,000 missions each year.

So far this year, we have responded to 1,667 emergencies across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight – providing pre-hospital emergency care to the most seriously ill or injured patients.

We wouldn’t have been able to reach any of these patients and give them the best chance of survival and recovery without the support from those in our community.

A life-saving service

David sat on his sofa with his dog by his side. His left arm is in a sling.

One of those patients was David, who was left in a critical condition after being trampled by a herd of cows whilst walking near his home on the Isle of Wight.

“My situation highlights why it is such an essential service to save so many people. Had it not been for them, I probably wouldn’t be here today. I am and will be eternally grateful.

“Thank you all so much.”

Find out more about how your support saved David by reading his story.


‘Today’s Supporter, Tomorrow’s Lifesaver’


Your support makes a difference

Donate today and help us be there for the next person who needs us most.

