Vital funds raised at Basingstoke Phillips Law Half Marathon and 10k

Last Sunday (6 October), scores of runners took part in the Basingstoke Phillips Law Half Marathon and 10k race, to raise money for your local Air Ambulance.

More than 1,000 runners of all ages competed in the half marathon, 10k and two children’s races, organised by Destination Basingstoke.

A team effort

Headline sponsor, Phillips Law, who has chosen Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance as its Charity of the Year, had more than 100 runners take part, donating their entry fees to our life-saving service.

The Basingstoke based Law Firm has been out in force since announcing their support in January, so far raising more than £5,000 to help keep us flying and saving lives.

Katy Gardener, Head of Marketing at Phillips Law, said:

“Phillips Law has been busy raising funds for Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance, with a variety of fun and engaging activities. So far this year, our team has hosted several staff events, including dress-down days, a Euros sweepstake, a picnic in the park and a bottle tombola at the summer party. Staff have also volunteered for the charity at local events such as the New Forest Show and Paultons Park, as well as running a “Brew for the Crew” bake sale.

“We’ve also celebrated some impressive sporting achievements. Oliver completed a big Welsh coast walk, while Sarah took on a walk from London to Brighton over a weekend. Additionally, we organised a football tournament for local businesses, bringing the community together for a great cause.

“Looking ahead, we have some exciting events planned. Catherine is preparing for a skydive, and we’ll be hosting a quiz night. Thank you to everyone for your continued support. We are on track to smash our fundraising target and have loved being involved with the brilliant team at Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance.”

If you’re looking to partner with a local life-saving charity, get in touch with a member of the team today.

